What is Source-Code?

1 In the beginning was Source-Code, and Source-Code was with God, and Source-Code was God. 2 Source-Code was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by God using Source-Code, and without Source-Code was not anything made that was made.

Source-Code Video

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Source-Code Translation Example

Source-Code Musings


Source-Code is the word of God. Source-Code is what people refer to as “the small still voice“. Source-Code is that which is omnipresent! We are swimming in it! It is in all life and at the same time it is life itself. It is the true Matrix. It is woven into every cell, atom and quark.

Source-Code is how Feng Shui works in everyone’s life whether they are aware of it or not…how a seed knows what to become…what makes 5 Element Theory, the Operating Systems of your body and Chakra System work…how you know what you were born to do. Unfortunately, most humans have lost touch with their Source-Code. There are many different reasons for this and we will be going over them in our Webinars, but the short of it is that we have swallowed viral programs that alter and pervert the purity of Source-Code.

We will show you how to not only read Source-Code but how to interact with it on a conscious level in order to script health and thriving into your lives and the lives of your clients.

 What is source-code pdf




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