Here is an example of an actual session. Notice how literal Source-Code is, and how it loops in and out weaving the story into the body!
Right index finger bit by dog a few years ago.
Complicated by an infection from the dog bite puncturing the joint capsule.
It took a long time to heal, and still presents pain when moved a certain way or knocking with knuckle.
– Right index finger = Colon meridian (mental and emotional issues around Directing Other, Controlling, Allowing, Letting Go, Holding On, Moving etc.)
– Right side of body indicates male issue.
– Dog Bite = Insult by “Best Friend”/someone close, and the bite broke a boundary
– Infection = emotional poison/anger
– Middle joint = emotional issue
Around the time of the bite, she was dealing with an issue that she has had a hard time letting go of completely…especially on the emotional level.
– Liver chi is low = Balance Liver (controls inpatients, frustration and anger) to Muscles (moving forward) TO stored anger due to past relationships.
– Weak immune system keeps her from healing completely = Balance Endocrines: Thymus (IMmune system) to Thyroid (self-expression).
– Balance Thymus IMmune/Defense System. She let someone or ones into her sacred space (heart) and heart/feelings were trespassed upon.
* Tapping right pinky finger (Heart finger) while saying, “I no longer allow in or tolerate toxic relationships in my heart and life.”
* Tapping center of chest (Thymus) while saying, “I will no longer allow myself to be disrespected! I have healthy boundaries!”
* Tapping on lower rib cage beneath beast tissue (Liver Point),while saying, “Although ___________ got under my skin and irritated the hell out of me, I am going to be okay!”
* Tapping left ring finger (Triple Warmer) while saying, “Although his issue got all over my nerves, I can now let go!”
* Tapping right index finger (Colon finger) while saying, “I choose to let go of all this past hurt and blame.” and “I’m ready to let go of all of this go.” and “I can now let go of all of this!”
Around the time of the bite, she was dealing with an issue that she has had a hard time letting go of completely…especially on the emotional level. Anger and grief that she was unable to completely express and get out of her system has kept her from fully moving forward emotionally.