Therapeutic Massage

Not your typical massage!

I have been a massage therapist for 28 years and your body speaks to me. I can zero in on where your body needs my assistance.

My approach is more of a therapeutic massage. Even though my massages can be relaxing, I focus more on relieving muscle tension and correcting pain patterns than just providing you with an hour of relaxation. My sessions may incorporate Cupping, EFT, Hot Stones, Meridian Tapping, Reiki, Reflexology and/or Trauma Repatterning based on what your body needs in the session.

I take a limited number of massage clients, so contact me if you’re interested in a therapeutic massage.

How much does it cost?

Click the session title to purchase.

30 Minute Massage

1 Hour Massage

1 1/2 Hours

Call (830) 456-1877 for more information or to book your session.

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