About Me

Jon Tomas Whatley
Soul Reader, Bodyworker, BioTheosis Developer, Facilitator, Speaker and Teacher
– Medial Intuitive & Spiritual Guide –

I am currently working in Fredericksburg Texas.

My work has morphed and fine-tuned itself many times over the 28 years I been a therapist. I have now settled on and offer a very select group of Readings and sessions based on my philosophy.

A leader on the forefront of consciousness and soul expansion. I am a Medical Intuitive. I came into this world curious. I was always in trouble for taking things apart. My mom still has a picture of me when I’m 8 years old dismantling her vacuum. Maybe it’s a cosmic thing having to do with my last name starting with WHAT. WHATever the reason a deep need to know is not only in my blood but in my bone matrix.

This curiosity exploded when in 1995 I began my journey of awakening in Massage Therapy School. I quickly awoke to the fact that there is a lot more going on with the body than meets the eyes and hands. I was set on fire with a passion to help others and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Furiously devouring information by Barabara Brennan, the Seth Material, Kryon, Deepok Chopra, Greg Bradden, Bruce Lipton, Osho and countless others.

I now have a profound understanding of the languages of the Body, the Heart, the Mind and the Spirit. More importantly I perceive and am well versed in the language that unifies them all. Knowing this Soul-Language that arises out of our Divine Source-Code something as seemingly unimportant as a cut on one’s index finger contains volumes of information. One’s mental and emotional limitations aka perceptions, beliefs and expectations are reflected in the body. As I began to fully grok this, my view of the Healer and Healing changed dramatically.   

I know now that every type of Healing is the result of Reconciling corrupted consciousness. Once, erroneous consciousness patterns are cleared within someone they heal from the inside out. Someone Healing someone else is a misperception. We can help people heal, but ultimately it is an internal process. Health and Wellbeing are natural states when our thoughts, feelings and words are not full of dis.ease.  I believe there is a large scale paradigm shift around the corner. When this understanding of where and what dis.comfort, pain, ill.ness and dis.ease are it will change every Healing Modality from massage to every medical practice.   truly happens

In my sessions, I help people Reconcile their false perception so they can align with their true-self…their innate Divinity where wellbeing springs from eternally. I help free up and empower others by teaching them how to perceive, understand and utilize the unifying language of the Soul for themselves. I take the mystery out of mysticism and spirituality, and put the keys in the individual’s own hands. I help others wake up to the consciousness blocks holding them back and empowers others with self-awareness and easy to use tools.

I have been doing body-work, teaching and lecturing for over 28 years helping people understand their own Soul-Language and giving them real SOULutions to their problems be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Jon’s Studies Include:

Massage Therapy
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Teacher
EMF Balancing
Trance Dance Presenter
Tara Reiki
Breath Coach
Radical Forgivness
BodyTalk Practitioner
P.E.A.T. Processing
ZY Qigong
ZYQ Image Therapy
Quantum Touch
Matrix Energetics
Reconnective Healing
Qi-gong Instructor

Creator of:

M.e.A.N. (Meridian energy Activation & Neutralization): A tapping sequence that incorporates TCM’s 5 Element Theory and Consciousness.

M.E. Mapping (Mental and Emotional Mapping): A way to track down and address Mental and Emotional patterns of Negativity and Sabotage.

OTHER STUDIES include Shamanism, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Consciousness and Feng Shui to name a few.

Jon specializes in Intuitively reading and mapping out the root cause of blocks in the Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit. He can do sessions in person, over the phone or through Zoom.

Call (830) 456-1877 or Click HERE to schedule a Reading. 


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