Our Philosophy

You are a being that was Divinely Designed by Source/God…our Creator. Seeded within you is Divine Potentiality! Your birthright is the capability of becoming an extension, a star (sun), of Source by developing Life-Giving and Life-Sustaining attributes in all your Thoughts, Words and Actions. This potentiality is realized through the growth, expansion of awareness, of your Soul. Through life experiences you develop the Emotional, Mental and Spiritual aspects of your Soul. You are here on purpose to develop Will and Love in ever increasing levels and capacities.

There is no division between your Mind, Heart and Body. Your body and life either manifest balance and alignment with that which is Live-Giving and Life-Sustaining as health and well-being or misaligned perceptions, words and actions as discomfort and disease. There is Divine Design in this physical manifestation process that I call Divine Source-Code, which is the foundation of  BioTheois. BioTheosis is the marriage of Physical and Spiritual.  

There’s not even any separation between Soul and Self or Self and Others just distortions caused by misperception and corrupted beliefs. We never left the Garden of Eden. It is the entire planet. We never left the Garden of Eden. It is the entire planet. BioTheosis offers a paradigm shift from a Life-Giver that is separate, judging and punishing its own creation to one where we are all here to develop our Soul through life and Source via our Soul is guiding us 24/7.

Heath, Wellbeing and Positive change only spring from an internal perceptional shift. These perceptional shifts are stimulated by our life experiences. There is a tendency to look out at the world and blame it when in fact life is helping you.

Life is a journey of self-exploration and Soul development. I am here to assist this paradigm shift. Help individuals and groups truly understand and align with their lessons and life purpose.

Peace IN and the out into the world,
BROdhi Jon

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